Andreea Vînturache (Băltățescu)

BCaBA, Psiholog

Sunt BCBA si psihoterapeut cu specializare in psihoterapie adleriana. Lucrez de 10 ani in domeniul Analizei Comportamentale Aplicate, activitatea mea fiind centrata pe copil si pe familia acestuia.

In 2014 am obtinut acreditarea de asistent analist comportamental, de atunci incepand si activitatea mea de coordonare a programelor de terapie, pregatirea si supervizarea terapeutilor, oferirea de traininguri si consiliere parintilor, urmand ca ulterior sa imi continui pregatirea pentru obtinerea acreditarii de BCBA.

In momentul de fata lucrez in colaborare cu familii care au nevoie de sprijin pentru solutionarea problemelor de comportament ale copiilor lor sau care au nevoie de coordonare pentru stabilirea unui program complet de interventie, fie ca este vorba de copii cu deficiente sau copii cu dezvoltare tipica. De asemenea, lucrez cu adolescenti si preadolescenti cu deficiente, care sunt integrati intr-un mediu social si academic stabil, insa care au inca nevoie de terapie pentru gestionarea situatiilor dificile pe care le intalnesc in viata de zi cu zi.

Consider ca in sanul familiei sta ascunsa cheia pentru rezolvarea celor mai multe probleme ale copiilor si de aceasta depinde adaptarea lor ulterioara in cadrul societatii. Sprijinand familia sa isi cunoasca, sa isi accepte si sa isi inteleaga copilul si problemele pe care acesta le infrunta, putem ajuta la dezvoltarea armonioasa a acestuia.


I am a BCBA and a psychotherapist specializing in Adlerian psychotherapy. I have been working for 10 years in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, focusing on the child and his or her family.

In 2014 I obtained the certification of assistant behavior analyst, which started my activity of coordinating therapy programs, training and supervising therapists, providing training and counseling to parents. Afterwards I continued my training to obtain the BCBA certification.

I am currently working with families who need support to address their children’s behavioral problems or who need coordination to establish a comprehensive intervention program, whether it is children with disabilities or children with typical development. I also work with disabled adolescents and preadolescents, who are integrated into a stable social and academic environment, but who still need therapy to manage the difficult situations they encounter in their daily lives.

I believe that the key to solving most of the children’s problems is hidden within the family and on it depends their subsequent adaptation in society. By supporting the family to know, accept and understand their child and the problems he faces, we can help his or her harmonious development.

Oraș: București

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